Would you be happy to have a novice visit you? Does it matter that I have no experience?
I love seeing first-timers. It is my pleasure to introduce you to the wonderful world of discipline. I have had many beginners come to see me and they always come back.
Sometimes I’ve seen some quite harsh and painful spankings on your Twitter feed: for example, hairbrush spankings of your brother-in-law. It concerns me that if I visit you, you will spank me this hard.
While I do spank my ‘brother-in-law’ very hard, he has been visiting me for a long time, I know his limits very well, and always what I post online is consensual and discussed beforehand. He is also a masochist and an exhibitionist.
This does not mean I will spank everyone with the same implements or as hard.
Also my brother-in-law deserves it!
Will I have to take my clothes off during the session?
I will usually ask, while we are arranging your visit, to what degree you are comfortable removing clothes/having them lowered for a spanking. Some spankings take place almost fully clothed.
My fantasy is to dress in womens’ clothes while I am being punished. Is this ok?
Can I get changed at your house?
Yes, of course. I see several people regularly who cross dress. I prefer that you get changed at my house on arrival. We would just book a little extra time for you to get changed, at a slightly higher fee.
I have my own suggestion for a scenario. Is it ok if I ask you to play out a specific scene which is my idea?
I am open to reasonable suggestions but I do not like to be given a rigid ‘script’.
I see from your online images that sometimes you dress your nephew in girls’ clothes. I’m really not interested in this for myself. Do you always do this in sessions?
I only use petticoat punishment and enforced feminization in a small number of sessions where it is appropriate. It is appropriate for my ‘nephew’ as it calms him down and subdues him, and he is a very excitable boy who needs plenty of control. Most of my sessions do not involve dressing like this.
Will you session in lingerie/topless/naked for me?
I like to receive a happy ending at the finish of the session. Will you do this for me?
I have always wanted a proper punishment spanking which will take me back to spankings of old, push me to my limits and even cause tears. Would you be able to do this?
I am able to do this in some cases and with some people. This is sometimes less to do with the force of the spanking and more to do with the emotional and psychological journey. However I cannot guarantee this end result, as everyone is different and it depends on each individual’s pain threshold, headspace, and chemistry between us.
Do you spank women as well as men?
Yes. I tend to get more male visitors than female which is just because of supply and demand, but I love spanking women too. I think a lot of women can benefit from some firm, maternal guidance. And from a selfish point of view, women’s bottoms are beautiful!
I’d love my punishment to be witnessed by another woman/to watch while you punish another woman as part of my session. Is this possible?
This is possible on occasion
I’d love to be punished by 2 women at the same time. Is this possible?
On occasion I work with other disciplinarians and carry out double discipline sessions
I emailed you yesterday and you haven’t replied yet. Did I offend you in any way or do you not wish to discuss a session with me?
I receive a lot of emails and I also have a busy life, so I will get back to you as soon as I can. Please be patient if I do not reply immediately.
I emailed you a week ago and you haven’t replied to me. Did I offend you in any way or do you not wish to discuss a session with me?
In this case, a polite reminder is perfectly reasonable. I may just have missed your message.
Do you provide last-minute bookings?
If you are a regular visitor then yes. Its worth asking but usually it’s best to contact me a few days/a week in advance to ensure availability. On occasion I am available last minute if you are a new client.
Do you require a deposit for a session booking?
Currently I am asking for a deposit for all sessions to confirm the booking
How do I pay for my session?
The balance of the session can be paid in cash on arrival or in advance by bank transfer, Paypal or cash (tracked/signed for) via the Post Office
How do I go about contacting you to talk about booking to see you?
You will get all the information needed in the ‘Bookings’ section of the website.
I see you often post pictures and sometimes short clips online of punishment sessions. I don’t want to be photographed or filmed and I am worried about my privacy.
I only ever take photos or clips with express permission and the same goes for using them as marketing materials. I take your privacy very seriously and would never film or photograph you without your knowledge or consent.
Do you mind what I wear to visit you?
I don’t mind what you wear as long as you are clean and presentable.
I see some dominatrixes advertise spanking. What is the difference between coming to visit you and a dominatrix?
It is correct that many dominatrixes offer spanking, among other activities. However, as a disciplinarian I specialise exclusively in discipline and corporal punishment. My area of expertise is spanking, caning, school and domestic discipline. This means I spend all my time focusing on these things rather than other BDSM practices. I understand the mentality of spankees and also have far more experience in this area as it is what I focus on exclusively.